Bulletin of the Karaganda university

Biology. Medicine. Geography series. №2018-89-1

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  • Proskuryakova L.A., Surzhikov D.V., Mukasheva M.A., Lyubushkina E.S. The influence of reflexivity on feeding behavior
  • Zhunussova M.A., Ishmuratova М.Yu., Abdullabekova R.A., Zhuravel I.A. Comparative morphological analysis of raw material of Scabiosa isetensis and S. ochroleuca
  • Abdulina G.A., Akhmetova S.B., Jantasova A.D., Demirtola A.E., Odul T., Upasheva A., Mustafinа А. Microbiological monitoring of air in classrooms is the basis for preventing airborne infections among students
  • Kaliyeva A.N., Digarbaeva A.M. Biological features of medicinal plants Agrimonia asiatica Juz. in the conditions of the South-East Kazakhstan
  • Sultangazina G.Zh., Seiitkhanova Zh.K. The current state of pine forests in the Nature park «Burabay» after fires
  • Abimuldina S.T., Koftanyuk N.V., Mardanova Z.Zh., Zhussupbayeva D.A., Valishina G.L., Smetanska I. Rationality of creating a new national meat product «Meat bread»


  • Meyramov G.G., Korchin V.I., Shaybek A.S., Gagolina S.V., Andreewa A.P., Zhuzbaeva G.O. Interaction of zinc in pancreatic β-cells with reduced form of gluthation as possible cause of its protective activity
  • Mukasheva M.A., Surzhikov V.D., Surzhikov D.V., Kislicyna V.V., Golikov R.A. To a question of methodologies of assessment and management of public health risks related to environmental pollution
  • Musina A.A., Madenbay K.M., Beknazar M.A., Smailova A.A. Prenosologic evaluation of status in adult population living in area falled «Proton» launch vehicle
  • Kadyrova I.A., Lepesbayeva G.A., Ryspayeva G.K. Variations of neuron specific markers’ concentrations in patients with metabolic syndrome


  • Yerzhanova G.Ye., Маketova M.R. Efficient ways of using information and communication technology service LearningApps.org at geography lessons