Bulletin of the Karaganda university

Biology. Medicine. Geography series. №2017-88-4

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  • Akhmetalimova A.M., Orazbayeva P.Z., Ishmuratova М.Yu., Ivasenko S.A., Glowniak K. Study of raw material resources of Thymus marschallianus at the territory of the Central Kazakhstan
  • Maksutbekova G.T., Akhmatov M.K. Assessment of success of introduction of wood and shrubby plants in the conditions of the Zhezkazgan industrial region
  • Bakhtaulova A.S., Bekmanov B., Kanagatov Zh.Zh. Molecular and genetic analysis of diversity of Wild Apple (Malus sieversii Ledeb. M. Roem.) using DNA markers
  • Duysenova N.I., Imanbaeva А.А., Tuyakova А.Т., Kopbaeva G.B. The age composition of populations of Crataegus ambigua in the natural conditions of Mangyshlak
  • Kudaybergenov M.S., Bulatova K.M., Baytarakova K., Mazkirat Sh. Yield of chickpea collection samples at overwintering in the conditions of Southeastern Kazakhstan
  • Saparbaeva N.A. Distribution and diversity of plant endemic species ridge Jungar Alatau
  • Akhmetsadykov N.N., Kaliyeva A.K., Suleimenova Zh.B., Saduyeva Zh.K. Phytase and its role in the use of phosphorus


  • Mukasheva M.A., Mukasheva G.Zh., Kurbanaliyev R.M. Prenosological diagnostics in the problem of «Environment – health of the population» (review)
  • Kydyrmoldina A.Sh., Zhetpisbayev B.A., Zharykbasova K.S., Tazabaeva K.A. Investigation of the impact of galenic preparations on the immune system in the development of oncoprocesses of radiation genesis


  • Kenzhina K.D., Kulmaganbetova A.O., Huszti J. Ecological tourism in the Republic of Kazakhstan: problems and prospects of development